Body Mass Index Table (BMI Chart)

Looking for an easy-to-use downloadable and printable Body Mass Index (BMI) Table?

From downloading and printing the PDF to downloading/copying an entire spreadsheet, we have multiple BMI Chart & Table options available:

  1. For both Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel users, click here to “make a copy” of the Net Worth Tracker Spreadsheet
  2. For Excel users only, you will then want to click “File” then –> “Download” –> “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)”
  3. That’s it then you are off and running!

How to Use a BMI Table

On a BMI Table, height is expressed on the left, while weight is expressed in each row of the table.

Using your height and weight, you can find your corresponding weight category and BMI:

  1. Find your Height in inches on the far left column
  2. Then find your Weight in pounds in the corresponding row


How to use a BMI Table

Once you’ve cross-referenced your height and weight, the chart translates that number into a BMI with a corresponding weight category: underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese.

Note: It’s important to remember that BMI is a general indicator and doesn’t account for muscle mass or body composition. It’s best used as a starting point for a conversation with a healthcare provider.

More BMI Resources


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